Sunday 7 April 2013

Weekend Wind Up - Days 5 & 6....29 Days to go

Well, this weekend did not go as planned, there was no real menu planning or grocery shopping.  We are trying something is called eating ALL the produce out of our fridge before we buy new stuff.  Weird right?  I know, who actually eats the food they have before they buy more?  Apparently we do now.

We are trying to save up to buy a 1/4 or maybe a 1/2 of beef for the fall, plus all our whole chickens, pork and turkey for the upcoming fall/winter season.  Needless to say that is a substantial amount of money to come up with when you are a single income family of four.  Not that we are complaining, we made this decision together....but it does require a bit of creativity to eat the quality and variety of foods we really want.

So, after surveying the contents of our fridge we made a list and hit the overflowing stack of paleo/primal cookbooks on our counter.

What we have come up with is....

Citrus Carnitas from Well Fed's Melissa Joulwan
Best Stir Fry Sauce Ever again from Well Fed - this recipe is not available on line however she does have a fabulous looking and very similar Stir fry Recipe on her blog "Clothes Make the Girl"
Yummy Yam Spears from Everyday Paleo's Sarah Fragoso - not available on line
Bacon Devilled Eggs from Civilized Caveman Creations
Tomato Basil Soup from Make it Paleo's Bill Staley and Hayley Mason
Baby Pizza Bites by PaleOMG's Julie was a late entry but they look amazing
Lemon Herb Roast Chicken courtesy of my own brilliance
Boring Old Stripped Flank Steak - from me, to go with stir fry.
Standard Bignormous Tossed Salad
Herb and Garlic Salad dressing, again this is my own brain throwing things together

That should get us to Friday evening when we go as a giant dysfunctional family to various grocery stores to stock up for the next two weeks worth of eating!

So tonight is also "Game of Thrones", "Once Upon a Time" and "Spartacus" night....also known as stuff your face with chips while you sit motionless hoping for a completely gratuitous shot of Jon Snow or Jaime Lannister with their clothes off...or at least partially off.  I would list a specific character from Spartacus but honestly that show is so full of delightfully attractive man-candy I can't narrow it down to just one, besides they never wear more than a loin cloth and a sword so I would feel selfish demanding more.  Any way, in a moment of huge awesomeness for me, I have gone ahead and baked two bunches of kale to satisfy my desire for a crunchy treat.  I have a little bit of rosemary, Himalayan salt and balsamic vinegar to sprinkle on them just before I nosh down.  Yeah!  I know.  I love kale chips, I am usually just too lazy to make them.  This is the mark of a new era.

Starting tomorrow I am cutting myself down to 5 hours of television a week.  Which seems harsh but seriously, the only tv I watch is all on one night (tonight, I don't know if you guessed that) so it shouldn't be too hard.  I am also committing to the gym 5 days a week...not just committing, but actually attending which seems to be where I am failing.  So between that and walking the dogs I should be getting enough movement to shed a few pounds over the next little while.

Any way, I have to go and prepare dinner.  I have a lot to do, "winter is coming" at 7pm.  

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